Systemantis can assist your organization in security plan enhancement and ISPS Code requirements implementation.
We specialize in developing and implementing security compliance programs. Our commitment to improve your organization security and prevention results in strengthening your security compliance measures.
Our holistic security approach focuses on meeting ISPS requirements and best management practices. Various techniques are used during security compliance programs based on a well-implemented combination of understanding organizational security risks and a security framework development.The final result is a proactive culture development in your organization, together with evidence of compliance to regulatory requirements.
Systemantis’ consultants can assist through a suite of security services such as: Auditing, regulatory compliance, security plans development and implementation, ship and port assessments, drills and exercises, customized training, best management practices, voyage-specific risk assessments, continuous review and improvement.
Furthermore, our services can be delivered through security intelligence reports, security strategies and action plans to strengthen your decision making. A key step of our approach is for security culture to be embedded in your organization through an effective implementation and assurance. Our goal is to transform your organization into a safe and secure business environment through an effective protection of your assets, employees and information.