Systemantis Garbage Management Plan


Effective Garbage Management initiated with prevention

Garbage Management on-board is recognized as a key element in environmental protection. The related process for minimizing, collecting, storing, processing and disposing of garbage interfaces with the natural environment.

Garbage Management is a complex process with multiple stakeholders and component parts. Focusing on disposal options, however, is not a solution to the waste problem.

The 1st version of the Systemantis Garbage Management Plan has been developed to assist shipping companies to comply with the latest IMO and other regulatory requirements, with respect to your company’s Environmental Policy.                   

Systemantis has a crystal clear strategy and has developed a number of key principles which guide the proper implementation of Garbage Management Plan.

A fully documented environmental procedures, instructions and best practices are developed by our team to minimize the amount of garbage produced on-board and to minimize their environmental impact.

Our Garbage Management Plan is closely tied to other issues, including, consumption and disposal patterns, proactive environmental culture, well maintained equipment for garbage handling, employees and contractors’ engagement, continuous education and training.

A cornerstone to our Garbage Management Plan is our best practices for specific garbage types to reassure environmentally working conditions on-board, complying with applicable international and local regulations.


Contact us to receive an offer for our Garbage Management Plan