The Seafarer’s Identity Documents (SIDs) Convention No. 185 (C185) adopted by the ILO in 2003 and was ratified by Brazil in 2010, when the ILO Convention 108 (C108) was abolished. Convention No.185 came into force in 2019, but the Brazilian Federal Police continued to accept the seafarer’s identity document under the Convention No. 108.
From 01 May 2023, Brazil immigration authorities will recognise Seafarers’ Identity Documents, accordance with the International Labor Organization Convention (ILO C185) and these documents will be recognised as valid travel documents for seafarers. Alternatively, based on seafarers’ nationality and length of stay, they should have a valid passport and visa to enter to Brazil or to disembark for repatriation.
Shipping Operators should be advised by port agents regarding the types of visas, when a seafarer holding a valid C185 SID or not (e.g. Temporary Work Visa type ‘V’, Visitor Business Visa (VIVIS), VITEM V visa. Additional, shipping Operators should be informed by port agents when visa is not required to Brazil.
The Brazil Federal Police, under specific conditions may be granted an exemption to the aforementioned procedure. Penalties can be expected to rise for the violation of local immigration regulations and the improper holding of aforementioned travelling documents.
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